Git init 命令

更新时间: 2019-07-13 17:17



git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template_directory>]
    [--separate-git-dir <git dir>]
    [--shared[=<permissions>]] [directory]


-q, --quiet
    Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed.

    Create a bare repository. If GIT_DIR environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory.

    Specify the directory from which templates will be used. (See the "TEMPLATE DIRECTORY" section below.)

--separate-git-dir=<git dir>
    Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either $GIT_DIR or ./.git/, create a text file there containing the path
    to the actual repository. This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository.

    If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path.

    Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users. This allows users belonging to the same group to push into
    that repository. When specified, the config variable "core.sharedRepository" is set so that files and directories under $GIT_DIR
    are created with the requested permissions. When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2).

    The option can have the following values, defaulting to group if no value is given:

    umask (or false)
        Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when --shared is not specified.

    group (or true)
-q, --quiet
    Only print error and warning messages; all other output will be suppressed.

    Create a bare repository. If GIT_DIR environment is not set, it is set to the current working directory.

    Specify the directory from which templates will be used. (See the "TEMPLATE DIRECTORY" section below.)

--separate-git-dir=<git dir>
    Instead of initializing the repository as a directory to either $GIT_DIR or ./.git/, create a text file there containing the path
    to the actual repository. This file acts as filesystem-agnostic Git symbolic link to the repository.

    If this is reinitialization, the repository will be moved to the specified path.

    Specify that the Git repository is to be shared amongst several users. This allows users belonging to the same group to push into
    that repository. When specified, the config variable "core.sharedRepository" is set so that files and directories under $GIT_DIR
    are created with the requested permissions. When not specified, Git will use permissions reported by umask(2).

    The option can have the following values, defaulting to group if no value is given:

    umask (or false)
        Use permissions reported by umask(2). The default, when --shared is not specified.

    group (or true)
        Make the repository group-writable, (and g+sx, since the git group may be not the primary group of all users). This is used to
        loosen the permissions of an otherwise safe umask(2) value. Note that the umask still applies to the other permission bits
        (e.g. if umask is 0022, using group will not remove read privileges from other (non-group) users). See 0xxx for how to exactly
        specify the repository permissions.

    all (or world or everybody)
        Same as group, but make the repository readable by all users.

        0xxx is an octal number and each file will have mode 0xxx.  0xxx will override users' umask(2) value (and not only loosen
        permissions as group and all does).  0640 will create a repository which is group-readable, but not group-writable or
        accessible to others.  0660 will create a repo that is readable and writable to the current user and group, but inaccessible to

By default, the configuration flag receive.denyNonFastForwards is enabled in shared repositories, so that you cannot force a non
fast-forwarding push into it.

If you provide a directory, the command is run inside it. If this directory does not exist, it will be created.


# 在当前目录新建一个Git代码库
$ git init

# 新建一个目录,将其初始化为Git代码库
$ git init [project-name]

查看更多 git init 命令的使用方法,可以使用命令:

git help init


高臻臻 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2018-5 / 59.80元

本书针对中小企业做营销没预算、没用户的痛点,系统梳理冷启动项目的思维和策略,帮助营销和运营人员实现项目从0到1再到n的爆发式增长。 全书有两条主线。一条是营销思维线,侧重于如何思考,包括:升级行业、创新文化,寻找营销切入点;挖掘品 牌和个人的亮点、“做轻”产品,打造具有互联网营销特色的冷启动项目;突破思维,把实体经济“做虚”,发挥虚拟经济的价值。另一条是营销策略线,侧重于如何行动,包......一起来看看 《冷启动》 这本书的介绍吧!




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